Mediation Services
So should you consider mediation? If you have at least one characteristic of the people who usually find success in mediation, or even if you desire to have one of the characteristics, you are urged to consider mediation as an option to help you navigate through your dispute. When compared to using the legal system mediation is almost always less expensive. Mediation is certainly less conflict-laden than when using the courts. And the result of mediation always is an agreement you can support vs an agreement imposed upon you by a court. This is so because the court neither knows you nor has concerns about what is important to you.
How Much Does Mediation Cost?

Our professionals focus on keeping mediation costs low. Our streamlined procedures and professional collaboration permit us to complete the mediation process more effectively and, as a result, we generally bill fewer hours. Why? Mediation is what we do. While a majority of mediators are attorneys, for most of the mediation is a sideline or additional service. They are primarily litigators. We specialize in family mediation – and only family mediation. Our orientation is toward peace, and, if there are children, we focus on a couple’s common interest in wanting the children to be happy and balanced when they are adults. Our operating principles align with what you want: Peace in the aftermath of your divorce.
On an hourly basis, our rate or price of mediation ($250.00 an hour) is higher than rates charged by some mediators. On a basis of total cost, however (how much you pay altogether), our rates generally are lower because of our streamlined procedures and efficiency. Income-based lower rates may be available. Click Here for more detailed information on our rates, procedures, and policies.
So where do you go from here?
If you want additional information about mediation or if you wish to schedule a free initial consultation with a Heartland Family Mediators professional, click the button below and see if mediation as a solution can be in your future.